Flavon Max Plus

flavon max plus

flavon max plus

The Flavon max Plus+ is the premium member of our product line. It is an exclusive product created for adults who are ‘at risk’ because they are subjected to serious strain, and for whom health protection is of high priority because of their lifestyle.

Antioxidants and high quality nutrition are very important for the body. In the case of the presence of free radicals and increased oxidative stress, antioxidant materials are extremely important. Daily stress, insufficient nutrition, and the presence of an excessive number of food additives in our foods (consistence improvers, emulsifiers, colouring agents, flavour enhancers) may jointly cause an abnormal increase in the number of free radicals in our body.

Smoking, excessive consumption of alcohol, unjustified medication, polluted air, water, and soil can make these conditions even worse. Cell, tissue, and organ damage caused by free radicals can be linked to the development of several diseases. The proper antioxidant supply of the body is very important, in which the intake of good quality and quantity dietary materials plays a significant part. In the case of increased oxidative stress, when burdened with an excessive amount of free radicals, antioxidant materials are strongly recommended.

Following the principle of “one antioxidant is not an antioxidant,” herbs, such as beetroot, sandthorn, blackcurrant, blueberry, pomegranate, blue grapes, etc. – important components of which are polyphenol compounds, flavonoids, anthocyanins and terpenes – play a more and more important part.

We can take the appropriate antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and colouring matters into our body with this well-chosen, carefully compounded, complex and natural dietary supplement of high quality.

flavon max plus

It contains no preservatives!

OÉTI registration number: 10028/2011


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